I'm having problems removing my side shelf stickers

Our deepest apologies for your difficulties. Sometimes, the adhesive on stickers can bond more firmly to side shelves if the griddle was subject to high temperatures during transport or storage, effectively “baking” the sticker onto the shelf and making it difficult to remove. It sounds like this is probably the case for your unit, and we are sorry about the inconvenience. We are currently working to improve the adhesive to address this problem.

Here are some tips to remove the stickers more easily:

  1. Take your stickers off in a warm area. If it’s cold outside, remove them indoors. When the adhesive is cold, it will stick more firmly.
  2. Consider warming the sticker area with a hair dryer or next to a heating vent to heat up and loosen the adhesive.
  3. Some products like Goo Gone or the Pure Citrus air freshener are very helpful in removing residue and can be found at Walmart.

If you need more assistance on this issue, or any other assistance with your griddle, please open a live chat or submit a support request.

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